From a response to a Salon article by the oddly-named "Hoosier Daddy":
Money does not, in fact, exist. It is merely a concept devised by man to try to control the production and exchange of goods and services. It is a concept just as language and mathmatics are concepts, inventions of the mind of humankind.
However whereas language has been used to produce the works of Shakespeare (along with the feeble words of you and me), and mathmatics has been used to build bridges and design rockets to fly to the moon, money has pretty much served to concentrate power in the hands of a few. We really, really need to improve on this money idea. But, in the end, that's all it is: an idea. It is our invention, and we can control it.
So the deficit, the national debt, and all money problems really are just imagined fears, ones that could be solved by improved thinking. Our economic system could collapse, as we were ominously told might happen any day two years ago, and life would continue.
…from here, he goes off on a screed about "Global Warming," which is unfortunate because he had a good point until he started in on the "New Abortion."
He's right. Money is VIRTUAL. It's based on nothing (thanks to Nixon taking us off the gold standard). It exists only on computer screens. My solution? Get rid of it. Forgive all debt (because it's really meaningless, anyway) and START OVER.