Tuesday, October 26, 2010

War is Hell

There's a secret war going on in this country. It's not like the widely hyped "War on Drugs" (which is failing after very large amounts of money were poured into it – of course, we don't hear about that money). It's not like the widely hyped "War on Terror" (which is failing after very large amounts of money were poured into it – and of course, the guy who's responsible isn't associated with that money anymore). No, it's bigger, better funded, more mysterious, and far more deadly. There is a War on Education in America, and it's escalating.

it's not about Republican versus Democrat, or even "left" versus "right," although those are all effective smokescreens. It's about the proudly, willfully ignorant versus those of us who want to improve ourselves, to be better thinkers and writers and workers. It's about the pundits who ignore what real, qualified experts have to say (since they never invite any on their shows) in favor of partisan hacks who play political games as they use terms incorrectly (or make up new ones that mean even less), distort the real truth (which is neither "right" nor "left"), and denigrate anyone who dared to go to school instead of the military or the blue collar workforce. The term "elitist" is the key. You are an "elitist" if you have an education, or if you actually consider what they have to say and think, "Are any of these guys really saying anything?" You are an "elitist" if you don't think, believe and act the way they do. You are an "elitist" if you don't tow either "party line." In short, if you think, you are the enemy.

The original definition of the word "elitism" is the following:

1 : leadership or rule by an elite

2 : the selectivity of the elite; especially : snobbery <elitism in choosing new members>

3 : consciousness of being or belonging to an elite

(Merriam Webster - http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/elitist)

The definition of "elite" is the following:


 noun \ā-ˈlēt, i-, ē-\

1 a singular or plural in construction : the choice part : cream <the elite of the entertainment world>b singular or plural in construction : the best of a class <superachievers who dominate the computer elite — Marilyn Chase>

(Merriam Webster - http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/elite?show=0&t=1288121740)


I don't see anything political there, except for "snobbery" in the first definition.


But is snobbery tied to education? Doesn't "snobbery" imply you think you're better than everybody else? Or that you belong to a club that won't allow others in because they don't share your unique qualifications? Education, above the mandatory stages, is made up of first time community college students, people who work two jobs and go to school full time, grad students working their butts off with virtual guarantees they'll never make any money, instructors and professors, and people like me who don't use the degrees they have. Am I better than everybody else? Hell, no. Am I smarter at some things? Of course. But ask me to run a cash register or calculate the rise and run of a beam on a building project or know what to do when a baby cries, and there are plenty of people better than me.

It's about money, plain and simple. The true "elites" in this country are the ones who were (mostly) born into wealth, have never worked a real job in their lives, or who "worked their way up" and now believe they shouldn't give anything back because they are "successful." They've paid their dues, and now they want all of us to pay more. Especially in student loans, which we have to get to improve our intellectual skills. And then we're beholdin to the "elites" because we won't be a threat to them. I constantly hear people call into my local talk radio station and say, "I quit the 8th grade, and I have my own business, and I'm a success." Well, what will he do when the economy collapses and his business goes under? Where will he go?

Education is not about money (except for the huge sum we have to pay to get one); it's about a much higher goal: Intelligence. Freedom. Rationality over emotion. I know a lot of my students read this blog, and I implore you: Keep going. Don't let the War get you down. Don't listen to people tell you you don't need to by any smarter, you just need to get out there and get your hands dirty "like a real working man." I work 60-70 hours a week at 3 jobs; I have a PhD. I know a lot of PhDs who flip burgers for a living. That's exactly what the generals want; they want us to apologize for our education and regret it and just sit around and do what we're told so a multi-millionaire can get another classic car or some more Cocaine for his daughter.

As long as the real elites in this country pit us against each other in silly, meaningless political squabbles that amount to absolutely nothing, the war will continue. It's all an insidious game that maintains the status quo and make REAL Americans (whether we work inside or outside, in dirty boots or cheap ties) pawns in their schemes for global domination. They can't win as long as we don't let them fool us. Change the dialog (or create one, because there really never has been a dialog). Tell them, "Here's what my education is teaching me…here's what I aspire to." Show them that the work we all do in our classrooms, students and teachers, matters. And when they try to cut our budgets again and again and again, let's take to the streets. Peacefully, of course; educated people don't have to intimidate. We just have to SPEAK.

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