Bill Murray, on the other hand, has had a stellar career, from Caddyshack to Lost in Translation and beyond. But, on SNL, he was everything - he played such a variety of characters it was dizzying. He was a true comic talent (and still is), just showing off what he could do for the first time. Even in a bit part he could steal the stage.
Where are today's Gilda Radners and Bill Murrays? Today we get Dane Cook and a bunch of other "comics" who know nothing about improv, and nothing about acting, and everything about being a celebrity. I'm so tired of celebrities...I want to see somebody with TALENT. We're in danger, I think, of losing American Humor to people who know nothing about it, but who know how to walk a red carpet. Where are the Woody Allens? The Johnny Carsons? Some may say it's an evolution. Sorry; in this case Darwin is wrong. It's a Devolution. We're making a move back to dumbass humor, and that's not a good thing. How many films have you really laughed at lately? We are letting humor become less of an art and more of an assembly line jokefest. It's sad.
I love American humor. It is a unique art form. But we have let it sink into a miasma of jokes and goofiness. When do we get our intelligence back?
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